Saturday, 4 August 2012

Old Testament Introduction

Old Testament Introduction

Now Let us start this Blog by a Introduction to the first part of the Bible - The Old Testament

God has Loved people ever since He made the first one, many, many years ago. The Old Testament tells story after the story of the way God has taken care of men and women through the years. Again and again he gave people the choice between doing good and bad.And although he punished those who disobeyed, it was because He wanted people to become all they where meant to be, because He wants what is best. The Old Testament tells the story of God's people, the Jews.

He called one man to follow Him, and that man, Abraham, listened for the voice of God. Because Abraham believed in God, trusted Him, people learned who the one, living God is. The Lord made promises to Abraham and kept them. When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, God's people had a Law they could follow. The had a measuring stick by which to tell right from wrong.

Again and again people chose to do wrong, and as the years went by, the Jews went from war to war, King to King, from bad to worse. There were people who listened for God and tried to remind the Jews to keep God's Laws. These were the prophets. They Helped make God's people great, whenever the kings would listen to them. In the Old Testament you can read about all that happened between God and His people, the Jews.

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